Sunday, October 21, 2012

Helps with your November Ballot

NOTE:  Please forward this link to others, Twitter it, or Facebook link it to help your friends and family this election season.  Voting is a privilege  one that many people in the world don't have, don't take your voting for granted.

Here is a breakdown of the amendments from the University of Florida.  It will be very helpful if you have a chance to read through them before you vote.  Then you can take the time to understand the issues involved for or against each particular amendment and decide BEFORE you spend time in the booth which amendments you want to vote for or against.

You can also go to the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections website to view a sample ballot.  Click on the link to the right.  Then you can review all of the candidates and other issues on the ballot and how it looks to also get you in and out of the voting booth in record time.  You may also want to personalize your ballot which will then show a specific ballot for your voting district and school board district so you can view those candidates as well.

Local newspapers also publish articles on each candidate so you can view what their platform is and are more informed about your voting choices.  Most candidates have websites that you can view so you can be informed.
BayNews 9 Election page
Tampa Bay Times - Know your Candidates and Amendment Guide

Remember that your local elections, city, county, state, may have more of an impact on your life day to day, than even the national election.  Who do you want to decide how your money is spent in your city, county, and state.   What judges do you want deciding how the laws will be enforced?  What property appraiser do you want to vote for?  Do the people you vote for match your values and what is important to you?  You can't really decide that if you aren't educated about who you have the option to vote for.

Early voting begins October 27 if you are interested in casting your ballot without waiting in line.

If you are not sure where you are supposed to vote on election day, November 6, you can find out here.

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